January 2018
Everyone at the IDS clinics finished their clinic work quickly to get to Shangri -La Rasa Sentosa Resort & Spa by 12 noon on 25th January for the buffet lunch.
After lunch, Serene Seng, our Consultant and event organiser, gave a profile debrief for the staff on their personality traits. All of us had completed the MBTI survey online earlier in the month. It was insightful and sometimes surprising to find out our own personality type! The staff also had fun making guesses on the type of personality each of their colleagues would likely score on the MBTI survey.
Serene described the different types of personalities and how these traits affect our interactions with others. She gave examples on how we can improve our communications and work even better as a team by using the information on the type of personality traits each of the team member have!
We then trooped down to the beach for a “team bonding” game. One of the team members was designated to be the ‘boss’ giving silent instructions to two appointed ‘ managers’. The rest were then asked to stand inside a big rectangle, blindfolded and the 2 managers were made to move the team members into a ‘ Z’ pattern by giving only verbal instructions to each of the team. Some of the team members became impatient because of the “delay”, but nevertheless followed the instructions given out by the 2 ‘Managers’. We were lucky that the weather was still cloudy and thus the half an hour we spent at the beach was not making us even more hot and sweaty!
Serene informed us during the debriefing that we were a very ‘compliant ‘ group, following instructions from the ‘ managers’ but felt that the latter could have provided updates to the team on the status of completion of the formation of ‘Z’. Similarly, at our workplace, better communication between management and employees and amongst employees themselves would improve workflow and enhance understanding of the constraints imposed.
In the final game, the group was divided into 3 groups to play a special version of the popular game, charade. In each group, the first team member is to pick up a piece of paper which may be a word, phase, an action or person. The first team member will then act out, to the 2nd person, who will then act out to the 3rd person etc. The last person in that group is to guess what the phrase, action of person was.
The game was hilarious as the ‘act out’ differed from person to person.
There was a lot of laughter and everybody had fun throughout the retreat. All staff were very sporting and participated in everything. It was a great company retreat and as Dr Wong said in his closing speech, a great day of team bonding for all the staff!